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India-Latin America relations

Research focused on India-Latin America relations, including bilateral relationships such as India-Brazil and India-Mexico relations

Latin American politics & society

Research related to specific Latin American countries or the region's politics & economy, including elections, developmental issues

India's foreign policy & governance

Research on the world's largest democracy, India, including issues of economic development and foreign policy

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Traducción por Reporte Asia del estudio sobre las inversiones Latinoamericanas en India, segmentado por artículos individuales sobre casos de estudio, cadenas de valor, base de consumidores, servicios, tendencias regionales, lecciones y los pases en falso. Leer aquí.

Peruvian democracy faces its biggest challenge yet

Article: Global Americans (USA)

On April 11, 2021, Peru achieved a dubious distinction that has yet to receive much public attention: for the first time in the history of global electoral democracy, the total of blank and null votes exceeded the amount of votes received by any single candidate running to serve as a country’s head of state. Read article.

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Peru’s Climate of Fear and Bubbling Political Inequality

Article: The Wire (India)

Peru’s constantly changing political landscape never ceases to amaze. Peruvians have now elected five presidents from completely distinct political parties in five consecutive elections. This is unprecedented in the history of human democracy and also highlights the frailty of political representation in the country. Read article.

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El clima de miedo y la desigualdad política en Perú

Article: Sudaca (Perú)

Debemos recordar que lo opuesto al miedo es la esperanza. Ambos reaccionan a la incertidumbre, pero de formas diferentes. Hoy, el Perú se encuentra en una tormenta de miedo. El objetivo debe ser capearla y mirar hacia adelante. Leer artículo.

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El tramo más largo de la democracia peruana enfrenta su mayor desafío

Article: AméricaEconomía (Perú)

El próximo presidente peruano enfrentará una multitud de desafíos, pero una cosa es segura: un giro radical hacia la izquierda o derecha pone al país en aún más peligro. Sería prudente establecer alianzas con la oposición para mantener el tramo más largo de democracia en Perú. Leer artículo.

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Petrolera india Reliance cabildea por PDVSA en EE.UU.

Interview: Voice of America / Voz de America (USA/EEUU)

Para Hari Seshasayeee, investigador para América Latina del Wilson Center, en Reliance quieren “cumplir con las sanciones y desde los últimos dos años han pagado casi un millón de dólares al año para hacer este cabildeo". Read interview.

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Will Prison Riots in Brazil Lead to Justice Reforms?

Interview: Latin America Advisor, The Dialogue (USA)

What reforms are most needed for the country’s criminal justice system, and how should they be implemented? How will the Temer administration address the widespread violence and overcrowding in prisons, and is there enough popular and political will to allocate any new funding needed to do so? Read interview.

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Colombia and FARC: peace at last?

Article: Gateway House, Indian Council on Global Relations (India)

The Colombian government will sign a final and comprehensive peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces, a national guerrilla movement, on September 26, 2016. This is momentous, bringing to a close an insurgency that has inflicted widespread bloodshed and displacement. But making reparation may take an unpredictable course. Read article.

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A new moment in Brazil

Op-Ed: The Indian Express (India)

Dilma Rousseff, Brazil’s first woman head of state, has cleared her office at the Palácio do Planalto after a special Senate session voted to put her on an impeachment trial. A multitude of factors coalesced to push for Rousseff and her party’s removal from power. Read Op-Ed.

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Politics, Peace and Promise: Mixed Bag for Latin America in 2016

Article: The Wire (India)

Co-author with Preeti John: New governments were voted in, others struggled through crises, some economies recovered and one country inched closer to peace; 2017 brings promise to some, stability to others and continued unrest elsewhere. Read article.

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PPK Reaps the Benefits of Anti-Fujimorismo in Peru’s Presidential Election

Article: The Wire (India)

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski has staged an upset over Keiko Fujimori, but the result underscores the defeat of Fujimorismo more than it does his victory. Read article.

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The end of Kirchnerismo

Op-Ed: The Indian Express (India)

President Cristina de Kirchner's handpicked successor, Daniel Scioli, governor of Buenos Aires province, faces Mauricio Macri, mayor of Buenos Aires city, in the run-off. Read Op-Ed.

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Peru's General Elections Are a Free for All

Article: The Wire (India)

Despite a mixed bag of candidates, Peru can expect continuity in broad economic policies regardless of who comes to power. Read article.

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Brazil In Deep Crisis

Op-Ed: The Indian Express (India)

Impeachment motion against Dilma Rousseff is just one strand of the upheaval. Read Op-Ed.

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Peru's Presidential Election: A Litmus Test on the Legacy of Fujimorismo

Article: The Wire (India)

The election is being fought less on subjects like economic and foreign policy; the focus is the struggle between 'Fujimorismo' and a formless anti-Fujimorismo. Read article.

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Dilma Rousseff vs Left vs Right

Op-Ed: The Indian Express (India)

Brazil’s president has upset both sides of the spectrum. The stalemate seems set to continue. Read Op-Ed.

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Brazil’s Upwardly Mobile Revolution

Article: Americas Quarterly (USA)

Brasilia seems to have responded fairly to the mass protests in the country. However, the issue of corruption is the most resonant of the protester’s grievances and must be addressed. Real political and economic reforms also need to be put in place, especially in the areas of education and health. Read article.

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Latin America Advisor: Will Global Trade Flows Continue to Grow So Slowly?

Interview: Latin America Advisor, The Dialogue (USA)

What accounts for the falling level of global trade? What dynamics are driving trade flows to and from Latin America and the Caribbean? What are the implications for major infrastructure projects such as Nicaragua’s plan to build a canal across its territory and the widening of the Panama Canal? Read interview.

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Uruguay’s answer to the ‘war on drugs’

Article: Gateway House, Indian Council on Global Relations (India)

Co-author with Ambassador R. Viswanathan: A law that legalises cannabis will come into force from April 2014 in Uruguay. Some political parties have objected, as has the UN’s International Narcotics Control Board. Critics say the law will increase consumption, but evidence suggests otherwise. Read article.

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